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Civic Engagement Day: Wednesday, January 26, 2022—join us

Since early 2020, people have existed in a state of ongoing crisis, as the global pandemic upended almost everything in our lives. From illness and loss, to work interruptions and job insecurity, to food and supply shortages, to isolation from family and loved ones, to political upheaval: as a collective, we’ve all seen and experienced a great deal in the last two years. Workers (particularly immigrants and people of color) have carried more than their share of the burden during these difficult times—they’ve been on the front lines of the pandemic, here in Mississippi and around the country.

Despite the risks associated with community organizing during the pandemic, MIRA’s staff and volunteers have been relentless in our commitment to the health, safety, and human rights of immigrants and workers in the state. The next major challenge we face is Mississippi’s 2022 Legislative Session, and we need your support now more than ever.

Please join us for Civic Engagement Day and support human rights for all! We will gather Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 10:00 am at the MIRA office in Jackson, MS. The schedule for the day is as follows:

10:00 am—Update and Orientation on Legislation
We will catch up on the legislative session and prepare to meet with legislators inside the State Capitol.

11:30 am—Lunch Together (will be provided)

12:30 pm—Caravan to the Capitol

1:00 pm—Begin Meeting with Legislators

We will oppose any anti-immigrant, anti-worker, or racial profiling legislation. We will also ask legislators to support human rights proposals, including:

• End private prisons and detention centers in Mississippi
• In-state college tuition for all Mississippi high school graduates, regardless of immigration status
• Real workers’ compensation for injuries and deaths at work
• Expand medicaid

Whether or not you are a U.S. citizen, and regardless of your immigration status, you can participate in meeting with the legislators!
For more information, contact MIRA at 601.968.5182 ext. 1 or 7.

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